Peninsula helped us to actually grow the business in a better way

A company logo that shows an orange shape against a white background.


A man in a shirt standing against a wall.
  • Business size

    Startup business

  • Industry


  • Support

    Unlimited HR support


Gareth is managing director at Caroo, a tech platform that matches candidates with employers. Here’s why he chose Peninsula to help scale up his start-up…

The situation

When Gareth launched his tech platform, he was managing all aspects of the business – from marketing to sales.

It was what he needed to do to get his start-up off the ground. But with so much to do, he didn’t have time to look into HR processes.

So by the time Caroo was ready to grow, Gareth didn’t have the right paperwork to hire new staff. And while he found some generic samples to base his employee contracts on, they weren’t compatible with how he wanted to run his business.

To save plunging his new profits into a fulltime HR manager, he turned to Peninsula…

The solution

Gareth’s main priority was to build a fair and supportive workplace.

To help him achieve this, Peninsula consultants reviewed all his existing processes. They listened to how he wanted to run his business – and crafted watertight employee contracts and new starter paperwork for him.

Then, they guided Gareth through essential HR procedures, like a setting up a staff onboarding process and probation policy.

This meant Gareth was able to give his new staff a smooth and stress-free welcome – and an engaging employee experience. And most importantly, it was all in line with UK employment law.

As Gareth had no HR experience, he found it reassuring to know he was building his start-up on a safe foundation.

  • Essential HR procedures

    Peninsula advised Gareth on how to safely onboard new staff in line with UK law.

  • Custom workplace policies

    Gareth was able to build a workplace culture he felt proud of, with custom HR policies and employee handbooks.

A man in a shirt standing against a wall.
Gareth Peterson

Peninsula helped us put all our policies in place and advised in areas to help us actually grow the business in a good way.

- Gareth Peterson / Managing Director of Caroo

The outcome

Now, Gareth feels confident handling any HR meeting or situation.

With round-the-clock access to clear advice, Peninsula has helped Gareth improve his own HR understanding. And even though his business is larger now, he still enjoys the same unlimited support – for the same fixed price.

That’s despite having more staff, and as a result, a bigger HR responsibility.

It means he has the tools and support to continue growing his business safely. And while he does so, he grows his own HR skills to become the leader he wants to be.

It frees up more time

It frees up more time but also educates me to be a better leader and to make sure everything's done in a fair way

- Gareth / Managing Director of Caroo

The safer way to start a business

  • Craft a better employee experience

  • Rule out risk

  • Create custom workplace rules

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